The Biggest News Stories in the Art World: 2020

In 2020, the art world experienced a series of significant news stories that captured global attention and sparked conversations within the creative community. Here are some of the biggest news stories from that year:

  1. COVID-19 Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the art world. Museums, galleries, and art events were forced to close or move online, causing significant disruptions. Art fairs like Art Basel and Frieze had to adapt to virtual formats. Artists and art institutions faced financial challenges, and the pandemic highlighted the vulnerability of the art ecosystem.

  2. Black Lives Matter Movement: The Black Lives Matter movement gained global momentum in 2020, leading to widespread discussions about racial inequality and its impact on the art world. Institutions faced scrutiny over their lack of diversity, representation, and support for Black artists. This led to calls for increased representation and changes in the way the art world operates.

  3. Protests against Colonial Legacy: Protests erupted worldwide, demanding the repatriation of looted art and the decolonization of museum collections. Activists called for a reassessment of the colonial legacy and the return of stolen cultural artifacts to their countries of origin. These movements prompted institutions to review their acquisition policies and engage in discussions on restitution.

  4. Art Market Adaptation: The art market underwent significant changes in response to the pandemic. Online sales and virtual exhibitions gained prominence as galleries and auction houses shifted their operations to digital platforms. The traditional model of art sales was challenged, leading to new ways of experiencing and purchasing art.

  5. Climate Change Activism: Climate change activism and sustainability became important topics within the art world. Artists and institutions explored ways to address environmental issues through their work, exhibitions, and operations. Sustainable practices and initiatives aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the art industry gained attention and support.

  6. Banksy's Auction Record: Renowned street artist Banksy made headlines when his artwork "Devolved Parliament" sold for a record-breaking price at auction. The piece, depicting the UK Parliament filled with chimpanzees, sold for over £12 million, setting a new record for the artist's work. This highlighted the growing popularity and value of street art in the market.

  7. Virtual Art Exhibitions: With the limitations imposed by the pandemic, virtual art exhibitions gained prominence. Artists and institutions embraced digital platforms to showcase their work and reach audiences globally. These virtual exhibitions provided new opportunities for engagement, collaboration, and the exploration of immersive digital art experiences.

These news stories of 2020 underscored the resilience and adaptability of the art world, and captured the imaginations of art historians who will look back at this period of art history with a grain of salt. 2020 taught us about the need for inclusivity, sustainability, and addressing social issues. They highlighted the interconnectedness of art, society, and global events, shaping the dialogue and direction of the art world in the years to come.

Below: Banksy's "Devolved Parliament"